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I.CO.L. Impresa Commerciale Legnami srl since 1972 is synonymous with quality and innovation in the field of furniture, design and construction.


In the 20 thousand square meters of our offices in Rome and Fiano Romano with warehouse areas, showrooms, cutting, processing we offer our customers materials and advice for the realization of their projects.


Our company is exclusive distributor of international brands

in the furniture and construction sector.

Fiano Romano

Materiali Arredo Legnami Edilizia

Certificazione FSC Icol
I prodotti certificati FSC® sono disponibili su richiesta.

I.CO.L. srl

P.I. 00954441002 - C.F. 01033830587 - C.C.I.A.A. 378091

C.S. € 2.000.000,00 I.V.


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Certificazione PEFC Icol
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